Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fuck Fuck Fuck Mother mother fuck Mother mother fuck fuck Mother fuck mother fuck Noise noise noise 1 2 1 2 3 4 Noise noise noise Smokin weed smokin weed Doin' coke drinkin beers Drinkin beers beers

John Ford
John Ford Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Mother mother fuck. Mother mother fuck fuck. Mother fuck mother fuck. Noise noise noise. 1 2 1 2 3 4 Noise noise noise. Smokin weed, smokin weed. Doin' coke, drinkin beers. Drinkin beers, beers beers. Rollin' fatties, smokin blunts. Who smokes the blunts? We smoke the blunts. Rollin' blunts and smokin um' <> 15 bucks, little man, put that shit in my hand. If that money doesn't show then you owe me owe me owe. My jungle love. Oh e oh e oh. I think I wanna know ya know ya ... yeah, what.
Nur At-ira
Nur At-ira ℓ : ℓєвιн є : єηѕєм ℓ : ℓєℓαкι α : αη∂αι к : кυαт ι : ιмαηηуα ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ω: ωαηιтα α : αкαη η : ηαмραк ι : ιη∂αн т : тυтυρ α : αυяαт
Rosanna Marinucci
Wendy AndDrake Lewis
BNB Family: This pittie-boy, NACHO, needs our help ASAP. His current family cannot keep him any longer and his situation is becoming dire. This sweetie pie deserves all the help we can give to him – he survived death row and is READY to give and receive the love he deserves, in a home in which he can thrive. NACHO is said to be a TERRIFIC DOG!!! Like his name implies, he is a tasty treat that you never get enough of! :) Not to mention his handsome looks & gorgeous markings. NACHO is NEUTERED, UP TO DATE ON ALL SHOTS, has been living with children AND another dog, and is an all-around amazing, active, playful companion. He LOVES human affection and LOOOOVES to bound about and play! Please consider taking him into your home, even if only temporarily (foster). At the moment, NACHO is located in New Jersey. If interested in FOSTERING or ADOPTING NACHO, please e-mail: We will gladly connect you with the fabulous rescue group overseeing NACHO’S care & placement. PLEASE SHARE!! Thank you!
Wenny Milzfort
Wenny Milzfort "Já foi época em que eu vinha pra cá apenas pra dançar e beber."
Ana Flavia Costa
Ana Flavia Costa Estou aq a pensar q hoje é meu aniversario e até agora ninguem mi ligou nem mandou uma mensagem pq sera...
Sammi Jean
Sammi Jean so i can't bi should therefore go for a walk up the street and get my scripts filled but can't be farked :(e farked with housework,
Jussara Perez
Luiza Theis
Atividades ligadas a administração, chefia, comando, governo, direção; joalheria e ouriversaria; bolsa de valores; artes em geral; lazer e entretenimento, "show business"; crianças e pedagogia; medicina, cardiologia. Dono de uma grande capacidade de administração, visão de conjunto e centralização, o leonino é um excelente empresário ou administrador. Feito para o comando e acostumado ao destaque nas artes, se sai muito bem como maestro, regente de orquestra, solista (instrumental ou vocal). Não se sente nada à vontade em posições subalternas ou com pouca autonomia. Possui uma maneira especial de fazer tudo ao seu jeito, com um estilo insubstituível. Pode tornar-se um excelente funcionário que sempre fará o melhor em nome de sua auto-estima. Mas não suporta críticas! Orgulhoso e vaidoso, precisa de elogios, reconhecimento e promoções. Será sempre leal e capaz de realmente "vestir a camisa" de uma empresa onde trabalhe. O teatro é outra paixão, afinal ele atua intuitivamente desde a mais tenra infância. Ótimo ator, também pode destacar-se como diretor de cinema orquestrando as cenas de um modo bastante especial. Possui também uma habilidade, normalmente pouco divulgada, para consertar coisas - recuperar carros, desenferrujar portas, etc. Adoram também marcenaria, colocar prateleiras, fazer instalações. "Chegado" aos materiais e atividades nobres, pode fazer um excelente trabalho com ouro ou pedras preciosas, criando peças exclusivas. Assinadas, é claro! Geralmente liga-se ao show business, à área de lazer e entretenimento. É ótimo como organizador de festas e como animador. Possui grande habilidade como professor, educador e se destaca em qualquer atividade lúdica ou que lide com crianças.
Yustin Windasari Goxiel
Yustin Windasari Goxiel [b̲̅]°[e̲̅]°[τ̲̅]°[e̲̅] aslina!!
Nkadi Sebastião
Nkadi Sebastião HOH, passado! tu que eras presente e agora estás ausente deste tempo corrente! HOH, passado! tu que me ensinaste a viver como quem ensina a escrever ensinaste-me a escrever o alfabeto da vida neste coração sem forma nem textura definida! TO BE CONTINUED… BY "L'HOMME TRANQUILLE
Sii'manjaa SiGreeniee
Sii'manjaa SiGreeniee Jln2 mcae kain,kain dcae tuk kulh msin,e wang jan th xcen u bh dh j0a kwen *pntun buang v0eng ja .p* salam mt pgi smua :)
Jatinder Singh
Jatinder Singh ਸੋਚਦੇ ਸੀ ਮਛਲੀਆ ਪਾਣੀ ਤੋ ਜੁਦਾਂ ਹੋ ਕੇ ਤੱੜਫਦੀਆ ਕਿਉ ਨੇ ..?--• ♥_ਪਤਾਂ ਨਹੀ ਸੀ ਕਿ ਨਜਦੀਕੀਆ ਆਦੱਤ ਤੇ ਆਦੱਤ ਜਿੰਦਗੀ ਬੱਣ ਜਾਦੀ ਏ.............
Azul Chicati Melendez
Azul Chicati Melendez Hay prima lupe yo estoy soltera dsd hace mucho tiempo,t gano e
Subhash Kumar
A HEART Touching Story ♥ A doctor entered the hospital in hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He answered the call asap, changed his clothes & went directly to the surgery block. He found the boy's father pacing in the hall waiting for the doctor. On seeing him, the dad yelled: "Why did U take all this time to come? Don't U know that my son's life is in danger? Don't U have any sense of responsibility?" Th...e doctor smiled & said: "I am sorry, I wasn't in the hospital & I came as fast as I could after receiving the call...... And now, I wish you'd calm down so that I can do my work" "Calm down?! What if your son was in this room right now, would U calm down? If your own son dies now what will U do??" said the father angrily The doctor smiled again & replied: "I will say what Job said in the Holy Book "From dust we came & to dust we return, blessed be the name of God". Doctors cannot prolong lives. Go & intercede for your son, we will do our best by God's grace" "Giving advises when we're not concerned is so easy" Murmured the father. The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happy, "Thank goodness!, your son is saved!" And without waiting for the father's reply he carried on his way running. "If U have any question, ask the nurse!!" "Why is he so arrogant? He couldn't wait some minutes so that I ask about my son's state" Commented the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left. The nurse answered, tears coming down her face: "His son died yesterday in a road accident, he was in the burial when we called him for your son's surgery. And now that he saved your son's life, he left running to finish his son's burial." Moral-Never judge anyone..... because U never know how their life is & what they're going through" Don't Forget To Share Dis SPREAD HUMANITY :)
Laura Banks
Laura Banks made me think of u dan and john
Third single by the masked duo featuring P.P. Arnold of "KLF aha aha" fame.
Yan Felipe
Yan Felipe Noite muito massa com vc ravena e jessikinha .s2
Mary Lima
Mary Lima se é assim q tem q ser a lingua e a maldade do ser humano não vai destruir... nunca!!!
Kale L. Stenersen
Kale L. Stenersen Sitting in a lamp lit living room with this video playing on the TV Stand while reading books with Rachel E. Stenersen, Morgan Dyer, Kristina Estola amd Elizabeth Romeril
To see this video in 1080p HD click here: Enjoy this 3 hour continuous (no repeats) crackling fire in a fireplace ...
Rhulani Hlongwane
Rhulani Hlongwane I gota give it up 4de dj @ 417 e london lounge damn dat guy is gud on de 1n2s hai boo we party all nyt +my frand nhlanhla scord himself gay lovers hai chomie hai booi eee gays
Pheeno Rio
A temporada de verão afirma: o funk é pop! E nada melhor do que celebrar essa união com as atuais musas dos dois estilos musicais: Valesca Popozuda e Katy
Deepak Vishwakarma
Deepak Vishwakarma े रख ले… January , 2012 by deepak बंता ने हजामत की दूकान खोली. संता शेव कराने आया. बंता – “मूँछ रखनी है … ?” संता – “हाँ”. बंता (मूँछ काट कर ) – “ले रख ले … जहाँ रखनी है !!!” Sent By
Tania Raimondo
Tássia Moraes
Tássia Moraes e lah vo eu leva o Lucas pro médico....
Rita Koletta

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