Saturday, January 7, 2012

omg I want to kill my brother Reallllll talkkkkk imgurcom Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities and has the funniest pictures from all over

Kendall Copp
Kendall Copp omg, I want to kill my brother. Reallllll talkkkkk.
Seth Mitts
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet.
Reeba Harrawood
~ ♥ .... I'VE LEARNED .... that it is not what I have in my life but who I have in my life that counts .... ♥ ~ ♥• - lynnshaider •♥♥
Jerona Robinson
Jerona Robinson And I ain't forgot about mii baby sis Shayanna Miss u Bookiiee
Christie Edge
Christie Edge I want everyone to know I may be an aunt tonight! Again! To my lil miss abbie faith! We will see!
Said Khalifa
Said Khalifa Oh my GOD I can't believe it
Marge Van Tassel
Marge Van Tassel There is a Great Gray Owl in Kingsville, Canada currently that evidently is comfortable with people staring at it and take photos (I have friends in Ontario who have watched it and taken a few photos--as well as the Snowy Owls. Too bad you have to have a passport to go up there now. Here is a link to the Ontario Rare Bird Alert website where you can view wonderful photos of it along with the Smew.
Abreann Kimble
Abreann Kimble I want that old thang bac!
Ricky Cubio Lasmarias
Shannon Skaggs
Shannon Skaggs next time my parent told me somebody tell me i want my friend house watch ballgame, eat, somewhere, play videogame, golf, anything i like do again this year thank jack dover, grant obright & bro paul vincent I Love U
Eric Loy
Eric Loy I was served dinner today by the lovely and talented Miss Misty Waters! Thank you young lady!
Ma Gelena Rolle
Ma Gelena Rolle thank you Lord you give Grace and strength.. I lift up to you all the praises!!. :-)
Vincent Andrew Whalley
Vincent Andrew Whalley I was so high i did not recognise the fire burning in her eyes the chaos that controls my mind.... Oh this love has taken its toll, only she said goodbye to many times before her heart is breaking in front of me and i wont say goodbye anymore :-(
Justin Maldonado
Justin Maldonado We are now a hundred percent sure it is a girl now i will be accepting donations for two twin barrel shotguns please make checks out to justins sanity fund it is a great non profit.
Arkrawin Thanomchart
Arkrawin Thanomchart Doesn't matter, had sex!!!!!!!!! literaly , guys wahahahahahaha!
Buy at iTunes: New album on sale now! T-shirts! The first single ...
Carol A. Smith
Carol A. Smith My car died on me today. I thaught i just ran out of gas but 5 gals of gas and a fuel filter later she still won't run. She is now spending time getting comfy with my mechanic..just Not TOO comfy i hope I can't afford this!! Lord can't we just get threw a few years like maybe the next 20 without car problems?? Amen!!
Sean Moore
Sean Moore I hate cops right now
Mariea Berry
Don't say where it is at, but when you find the HUMAN in this picture hit share and pass on the fun. I thought it was just a trick until I found it. Remember, don't tell.
Yumeii Leggo
Yumeii Leggo Hmmm Wat am I drinkn 2nite?? Ion kno yet Buh it betta b good!! :-)
Mego Loco Rip Tonio


Mego Loco Rip Tonio
Samir Love
Lucky woman recognizes - after her wry smile, and she proceeded, without realizing strength of the sacramental sign. Lucky woman is silent, cloud but instead, chose a man. With him died the day watching ... Dance with her in the pouring rain. Lucky woman is romantic. She is crying ... Yes. But never sleep. For those who love her, come with thunder and bells. Lucky woman does not want anything a nice-looking thanks to God. And her prayer is a sigh, besanno whisper, till dawn ... Eva Kornazov WIDESCREEN ART BLACK & RED & WITE Щастливата жена се разпознава - след нея се усмихват под мустак, а тя пристъпва, без да осъзнава на силата си тайнствения знак. Щастливата жена е мълчалива, но вместо облак, е избрала мъж. Със Него гледа как денят умира... Танцува с Него под проливен дъжд. Щастливата жена е романтична. Тя плаче... да. Но никога насън. Защото този, който я обича, дошъл е с гръмотевици и звън. Щастливата жена не иска нищо, а с поглед мил на Бог благодари. И нейната молитва е въздишка, прошепвана бесънно, до зори... Ева Корназова
Cara Dearing
Cara Dearing I wanna be an extreme coupon girl... Diet season would be so less expensive...
Masha Danova
Masha Danova 90%, друзья мои. Так что присоединяйтесь-ка к Save Baikal подобру-поздорову.
Озеро Байкал - это 90% российских запасов питьевой чистой воды, стоимость которой уже сегодня на несколько порядков выше стоимости любого нефтегазового месторождения. Цена воды как возобновляемого ресурса жизнеобеспечения людей растет год от года. Ученые заметили прямую зависимость этого роста от увеличения населения Земли. Одновременно в тех же пропорциях сокращается количество "экономически доступной" воды на земном шаре. В самом истоке Ангары, откуда ведет отсчет своим километрам эта река, торчит из воды сутулая вершина скалы, называемая в народе Шаманьим Камнем. Основание ее скрыто под водой, но известно, что оно упирается в берега Ангары. И представляет собой как бы плотину, регулирующую сток. Это природное изобретение фантастической точности: скала пропускает из Байкала в Ангару ровно столько воды, сколько получает озеро от притока всех 333 рек.
Steve Moore
Steve Moore Sorry, Kirstie, I don't date fat girls.
Plus: The actress gets a tattoo as a birthday gift from Ellen DeGeneres
Prince Ademola Ibrahim
Prince Ademola Ibrahim I know there is no doubt about the raw fact that President Egbere Jonathan is a Bigger Fools like his master OBJ.
Govt’s move against Labour backfires

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