Thursday, January 12, 2012

o soy muy malo en ajedrez o eres muy buena Janny Bellamy jeje tkmmm grax x tu compañía :D Lol going o see sherly by my bill while

Omar San Juan
Omar San Juan o soy muy malo en ajedrez o eres muy buena Janny Bellamy ?? jeje tkmmm !!! grax x tu compañía :D
Katie Ridley
Katie Ridley Lol going o see sherly by my bill while dad and david go see mission impossible
Luis Aguilera
Luis Aguilera asi o mas????
mas de los ultimos heroes en Caracas
JDunq Dung
JDunq Dung Định làm cover cho timeline... mà lười :( Định viết blog lại... cơ mà lười :( Định trans bài hát... càng lười :( Định đi ngủ... l..ư...ờ....i... zzzz
Ekene Nkwocha
Ekene Nkwocha o Lord,deliver us frm our enemies.Ǎ̜̣̍♍ε̲̣̣̣̥n̶̲̥̅̊
Eric Liceti
Que me perdoem os ávidos telespectadores do Big Brother Brasil (BBB), produzido e organizado pela nossa distinta Rede Globo, mas conseguimos chegar ao fundo do poço... A décima segunda (está indo longe!) edição do BBB é uma síntese do que há de pior na TV brasileira. Chega a ser difícil,... encontrar as palavras adequadas para qualificar tamanho atentado à nossa modesta inteligência. Dizem que em Roma, um dos maiores impérios que o mundo conheceu, teve seu fim marcado pela depravação dos valores morais do seu povo, principalmente pela banalização do sexo. O BBB é a pura e suprema banalização do sexo. Impossível assistir, ver este programa ao lado dos filhos. Gays, lésbicas, heteros... todos, na mesma casa, a casa dos "heróis", como são chamados por Pedro Bial. Não tenho nada contra gays, acho que cada um faz da vida o que quer, mas sou contra safadeza ao vivo na TV, seja entre homossexuais ou heterosexuais. O BBB é a realidade em busca do IBOPE... Veja como Pedro Bial tratou os participantes do BBB. Ele prometeu um "zoológico humano divertido" . Não sei se será divertido, mas parece bem variado na sua mistura de clichês e figuras típicas. Pergunto-me, por exemplo, como um jornalista, documentarista e escritor como Pedro Bial que, faça-se justiça, cobriu a Queda do Muro de Berlim, se submete a ser apresentador de um programa desse nível. Em um e-mail que recebi há pouco tempo, Bial escreve maravilhosamente bem sobre a perda do humorista Bussunda referindo-se à pena de se morrer tão cedo. Eu gostaria de perguntar, se ele não pensa que esse programa é a morte da cultura, de valores e princípios, da moral, da ética e da dignidade. Outro dia, durante o intervalo de uma programação da Globo, um outro repórter acéfalo do BBB disse que, para ganhar o prêmio de um milhão e meio de reais, um Big Brother tem um caminho árduo pela frente, chamando-os de heróis. Caminho árduo? Heróis? São esses nossos exemplos de heróis? Caminho árduo para mim é aquele percorrido por milhões de brasileiros: profissionais da saúde, professores da rede pública (aliás, todos os professores), carteiros, lixeiros e tantos outros trabalhadores incansáveis que, diariamente, passam horas exercendo suas funções com dedicação, competência e amor, quase sempre mal remunerados.. Heróis, são milhares de brasileiros que sequer têm um prato de comida por dia e um colchão decente para dormir e conseguem sobreviver a isso, todo santo dia. Heróis, são crianças e adultos que lutam contra doenças complicadíssimas porque não tiveram chance de ter uma vida mais saudável e digna. Heróis, são aqueles que, apesar de ganharem um salário mínimo, pagam suas contas, restando apenas dezesseis reais para alimentação, como mostrado em outra reportagem apresentada, meses atrás pela própria Rede Globo. O Big Brother Brasil não é um programa cultural, nem educativo, não acrescenta informações e conhecimentos intelectuais aos telespectadores, nem aos participantes, e não há qualquer outro estímulo como, por exemplo, o incentivo ao esporte, à música, à criatividade ou ao ensino de conceitos como valor, ética, trabalho e moral. E ai vem algum psicólogo de vanguarda e me diz que o BBB ajuda a "entender o comportamento humano". Ah, tenha dó!!! Veja o que está por de tra$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ do BBB: José Neumani da Rádio Jovem Pan, fez um cálculo de que se vinte e nove milhões de pessoas ligarem a cada paredão, com o custo da ligação a trinta centavos, a Rede Globo e a Telefônica arrecadam oito milhões e setecentos mil reais. Eu vou repetir: oito milhões e setecentos mil reais a cada paredão. Já imaginaram quanto poderia ser feito com essa quantia se fosse dedicada a programas de inclusão social: moradia, alimentação, ensino e saúde de muitos brasileiros? (Poderiam ser feitas mais de 520 casas populares; ou comprar mais de 5.000 computadores!) Essas palavras não são de revolta ou protesto, mas de vergonha e indignação, por ver tamanha aberração ter milhões de telespectadores. Em vez de assistir ao BBB, que tal ler um livro, um poema de Mário Quintana ou de Neruda ou qualquer outra coisa..., ir ao cinema..., estudar... , ouvir boa música..., cuidar das flores e jardins... , telefonar para um amigo... , visitar os avós.. , pescar..., brincar com as crianças... , namorar... ou simplesmente dormir. Assistir ao BBB é ajudar a Globo a ganhar rios de dinheiro e destruir o que ainda resta dos valores sobre os quais foi construída nossa sociedade. Luiz Fernando Veríssimo
Stephanie Marie
Stephanie Marie Intimacy with God begins when we radically pursue Him with our whole heart. King David wrote, "When You said, 'Seek My face,' my heart said to You, 'Your face, O Lord, I shall seek'" (Psalm 27:8). God invites us in James 4:8 to "Draw near to God and He will draw nea...
Soaking: The Key to Intimacy with God by Gary Oates Gary and Kathi Oates Draw Near Intimacy with God begins when we radically pursue Him with our whole heart. King David wrote, "When You said, 'Seek My face,' my heart said to You, 'Your face, O Lord, I shall seek'" (Psalm 27:8). God invites us in James 4:8 to "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." God is saying to us, "Seek My face! Draw near!" Our hearts are crying out, "YES!" but our flesh is screaming "NO!" The sad part is our flesh usually wins. We are instructed in Psalm 46:10 to "Be still, and know that I am God." The wording "be still" literally means to cease from striving. It means to let go and relax, to turn down the volume of the world and listen to the quiet whisper of God. It's getting still and coming into a place of rest. It means "soaking" in His Presence. The result is that you will know He is God. The word "know" is literally an experiential knowledge of God. It's not being still and knowing about God. It's being still and knowing God experientially. You will experience God. You will know the Presence of God. As we focus our heart, spirit, soul, mind, and body (the whole person) on His manifest Presence, we become oblivious to the natural physical world around us. The key is where your focus is – on the things of God or on things of this world. Bible reading and prayer are not enough. We must take time alone with Him, not asking for anything but more of Him, more of His fullness, more of His Presence in our everyday lives. God releases power through us as we dwell in intimacy with Him. The natural outworking of His Presence is miracles. How to Soak in God's Presence How do we "soak"? We soak like a sponge. Put a dry sponge in a bucket of water and slowly the water permeates the sponge. This is the same as soaking in God's Presence. The more we soak, the more we become filled with His Spirit. I'm often asked, "What do you do in your time of seeking His Presence?" I don't have a set formula. In my life, it varies from time to time, but the basic components are as follows: First, I go into a private room, lock the door, and get on the floor before the Lord. It doesn't matter whether you sit or lie down. What's most important is the attitude of your heart. Second, I repent of any sin in my life and I receive God's forgiveness. Third, I worship the Lord in both my native language (English) and in the language of the Holy Spirit. Fourth, I do the vital prayer of Romans 6:13 that has transformed my life: "...present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God." Fifth, I begin to recall experiences with the Lord (i.e., healings, miracles, provision) where He has manifested Himself in wonderful ways. This creates more of an expectancy and awareness of His Presence as I relive these times. I tell the Lord: "God, I want more of You, more of Your Presence, more of Your fullness in my life. Fill me with more of You." I may repeat this statement many times as I wait on the Lord and focus on Him. Then, I get quiet and that's when I begin to hear His voice. Many times, I begin to have visions and supernatural experiences. The key here is learning to wait in solitude. I cannot overemphasize the importance of waiting on the Lord until I experience His manifest Presence daily. I don't come out of that private room until I have experienced His Presence. During our soaking times, we position ourselves to receive impressions, nudges, quiet whispers, pictures, angelic visitations, and supernatural revelations. Here is a partial list of what to expect: – Dreams (Job 33:14-16; Genesis 28:10-16) – Visions (Daniel 7:1-3,9; Acts 16:9-10) – Trances (Acts 10:9-17, 11:5) – Out of body experiences (2 Corinthians 12:2-4) – Angelic visitations (Luke 1:57,11-17; Acts 12:7-10) – Being transported in the Spirit (Acts 8:39-40) Experiencing the true intimate Presence of the living God will radically change your life. People describe His manifest Presence in different ways. To some, it is heat, electricity, or shaking. To others, it is lightness, peace, or weeping. Experiencing the manifest Presence is not the goal but the gateway to the supernatural realm. It's the beginning. We go into the spirit realm where we can see Him, hear His voice, walk with Him, and be empowered by Him. Isaiah 64:4 says God "acts for the one who waits for Him." The Amplified Bible states, "God...who works and shows Himself active on behalf of him who [earnestly] waits for Him." He's waiting on us to wait on Him. The Cumulative Effect Sometimes we may feel our soaking time has been unproductive. We ask, "Is it worth it?" because we see no immediate change or benefit. I realized some time ago that there is a cumulative effect that takes place when I spend time in the manifest Presence of the Lord. From this cumulative effect, God is making a deposit into my innermost being. As I begin to give out, that anointing flows out of the deposit He had been making all along. We must learn to come quietly into His Presence just wanting more of Him in our lives. We need to "soak in His Presence," extracting more of His fullness into those places where we are barren. The cumulative effect of spending time with the Lord will produce an increased anointing in your life. The release of that anointing will serve as a springboard to a life of miracles. The apostle John offers Believers a mind-boggling statement in 1 John 4:17 (NASB): " He is, so also are we in this world." The implication of this verse is clear – Believers should be like Him. That is next to impossible without spending quality time in His manifest Presence. We will never even understand His compassionate nature for a lost and wounded humanity without regular, daily times with Him. Conclusion Intimacy with God is the simple means by which we access living in the miraculous. Spending time in His manifest Presence is the discipline we must develop to access all that God has for us. And, the cumulative effect is what happens in our anointing (or gifting) to function in healing or any of the supernatural. God's timing has come for greater works to be accomplished among His people. Press in for more of God's Presence in your own life! Gary Oates Gary Oates Ministries Email:
Sarah Fernandes
Sarah Fernandes Ah que maravilha!
Extensão no Google Chrome promete 'limpar' timeline
Gudluck Victory
Gudluck Victory Labour don tire for the protest na bois the ginger now o.........
Bonnie Reuter
Bonnie Reuter What's on my mind, FB??? How does one fix a wash machine that has wter coming out the bottom of it? Any good repair man referrals? any DIY hints (something is telling me I am NOT suppose to tip the machine over to look under it - as if I could w/o being trapped in the basement with my head crushed under the wash machine - that's a funny picture.
Emmanuel Ekundayo Igbinigie
Emmanuel Ekundayo Igbinigie Na wa o,sha niger stil won continue dis strick'abeg me i no go gree 4 oga presido o,if na so,hmmm wala go happen o!on less if he reduce d price of d fuel.right now am going to his house
Aly Muritiba
Aly Muritiba A nata:
Download!! Direção e Edição: Mateus Carrilho Trilha e Edição de Áudio: Davi Sabbag Produção: Paulo Vitor ...
Gold Ola Racheal
Gold Ola Racheal Aye gba ekuru odan, o ni ohun fe ni pan laya bi ira. Aya yo tan o n se kondu kondu s'oko.
Khan Zx
Khan Zx Our freedom to browse the internet is in jeopardy, and this is me doing my part to raise awareness.
Big media and its allies in Congress are billing the Internet Blacklist Legislation as a new way to prevent online infringement. But innovation and free speech advocates know that this initiative is nothing more than a dangerous wish list that will compromise Internet security while doing little or ...
Nisarga Mehta
Orfa Solares
Orfa Solares Pro 11:1 El peso falso es abominación a Jehová; Mas la pesa cabal le agrada. Pro 11:2 Cuando viene la soberbia, viene también la deshonra; Mas con los humildes está la sabiduría. Pro 11:3 La integridad de los rectos los encaminará; Pero destruirá a los pecadores la perversidad de ellos. Pro 11:4 No aprovecharán las riquezas en el día de la ira; Mas la justicia librará de muerte. Pro 11:5 La justicia del perfecto enderezará su camino; Mas el impío por su impiedad caerá. Pro 11:6 La justicia de los rectos los librará; Mas los pecadores serán atrapados en su pecado. Pro 11:7 Cuando muere el hombre impío, perece su esperanza; Y la expectación de los malos perecerá. Pro 11:8 El justo es librado de la tribulación; Mas el impío entra en lugar suyo. Pro 11:9 El hipócrita con la boca daña a su prójimo; Mas los justos son librados con la sabiduría. Pro 11:10 En el bien de los justos la ciudad se alegra; Mas cuando los impíos perecen hay fiesta. Pro 11:11 Por la bendición de los rectos la ciudad será engrandecida; Mas por la boca de los impíos será trastornada. Pro 11:12 El que carece de entendimiento menosprecia a su prójimo; Mas el hombre prudente calla. Pro 11:13 El que anda en chismes descubre el secreto; Mas el de espíritu fiel lo guarda todo. Pro 11:14 Donde no hay dirección sabia, caerá el pueblo; Mas en la multitud de consejeros hay seguridad. Pro 11:15 Con ansiedad será afligido el que sale por fiador de un extraño; Mas el que aborreciere las fianzas vivirá seguro. Pro 11:16 La mujer agraciada tendrá honra, Y los fuertes tendrán riquezas. Pro 11:17 A su alma hace bien el hombre misericordioso; Mas el cruel se atormenta a sí mismo. Pro 11:18 El impío hace obra falsa; Mas el que siembra justicia tendrá galardón firme. Pro 11:19 Como la justicia conduce a la vida, Así el que sigue el mal lo hace para su muerte. Pro 11:20 Abominación son a Jehová los perversos de corazón; Mas los perfectos de camino le son agradables. Pro 11:21 Tarde o temprano, el malo será castigado; Mas la descendencia de los justos será librada. Pro 11:22 Como zarcillo de oro en el hocico de un cerdo Es la mujer hermosa y apartada de razón. Pro 11:23 El deseo de los justos es solamente el bien; Mas la esperanza de los impíos es el enojo. Pro 11:24 Hay quienes reparten, y les es añadido más; Y hay quienes retienen más de lo que es justo, pero vienen a pobreza. Pro 11:25 El alma generosa será prosperada; Y el que saciare, él también será saciado. Pro 11:26 Al que acapara el grano, el pueblo lo maldecirá; Pero bendición será sobre la cabeza del que lo vende. Pro 11:27 El que procura el bien buscará favor; Mas al que busca el mal, éste le vendrá. Pro 11:28 El que confía en sus riquezas caerá; Mas los justos reverdecerán como ramas. Pro 11:29 El que turba su casa heredará viento; Y el necio será siervo del sabio de corazón. Pro 11:30 El fruto del justo es árbol de vida; Y el que gana almas es sabio. Pro 11:31 Ciertamente el justo será recompensado en la tierra; ¡Cuánto más el impío y el pecador!
Grandy Khumza Mmutle
Grandy Khumza Mmutle Wat do u thnk of a man who insist 2 do DNA test 4 evry chld he get?ngwana o itsiwi ke mmagwe.
Fernanada Fernandez
Fernanada Fernandez omg ya no aguanto mi dolor de muela ayer no pude dormir por lo mismo y ahora no la aguanto y para acabarla son las que me areglaron me las hicieron mal o yo quese.... con decirles que lore del dolor :.[
Minister Gakenosi Motshwarakgole
Minister Gakenosi Motshwarakgole U r th Priest, pray. Build an Alter at home, work place Yr duty: to keep fire burning always And the fire on the altar shall be kept burning on it; it shall not be put out. And the priest shall burn wood on it every morning, and lay the burnt offering in order on it; and he shall burn on it the fat of the peace offerings. A fire shall always be burning on the altar; it shall never go o…
Kaide Brokaw
Kaide Brokaw :o spotify? <3 i love you.
Henrique Carlos Diniz
Henrique Carlos Diniz "Se não fossem as mulheres, o homem ainda estaria agachado em uma caverna comendo carne crua. Nós só construímos a civilização com fim de impressionar nossas namoradas." - Orson Welles
Irene Bernards
Irene Bernards HUURRRRRRRAAAAAAAY.Fuel is now 65naira.NLC we dey tuaale o!
Vanity Villarreal
Vanity Villarreal Good heart to heart convo with Lucero, I feel so much better. Happy hour later... And Pat O's to celebrate lovely Jennifer's birthday. <3 Everyone have a great day! :)
Chuene Lethabo
Chuene Lethabo Lenyalo le bose ge o nyaka o iphina ka lona is al about trust en luv.Wena o lekwa bjang ka ga Manyelo
Nour Alqouran
"In The Name of Allaah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful" Q. Why did Allaah SWT Began his Holy Book with these two Names (Most Gracious, Most Merciful)? Q. Why did he mention them Again in the Second Verse of The Opening Chapter (AlFatiha)? Q. Why do ALL The Qur'aan Chapters Start with these Two Names? --------------------- A. it's like Allaah The Almighty is telling us That His Original State is: being The MERCIFUL, & that he LOVES his servants, & he wants them to be HAPPY.. & that when he's Angry with them, His Anger SWT is just a temporary State Resulted because of their own Sins!! He started with these names to tell you "i haven't Created you to Punish you.. i Created you because i love you, i created you to have Mercy on you". Allaah SWT says in The Qudusy Hadeeth: "And My Mercy has Overcome my Anger"! And Allaah says in The Holy Qur'aan: "And My Mercy embraces Everything" Allaah Never Starts his servants with Punishment, Allaah ALWAYS starts with Mercy & Love.. But then People starts Fighting him by Disbelieving in him, By Disobeying him, By Rejecting his Commandments, By Rejecting his Messages.. Hate & Evil comes from People.. Not From Allaah SWT.. ONLY then, Allaah is Angry, ONLY then They deserve Allaah's Punishment & Yet Allaah SWT calles them to repent, to get back to his path.. "Say: O my servants! who have acted extravagantly against their own souls, do not despair of the mercy of Allah; surely Allah forgives the faults altogether; surely He is the Forgiving the Merciful" (The Holy Qur'aan, AzZumar: Chapter 39, Verse 53) ------------------------- i love you, Allaah! <3<3 *AAA*

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