Saturday, December 3, 2011

Just felt a tremor Weird lol Peoplee If Yhu Message Meh Andd I ACTUALLY Replyy Dont Respondd With Onee Wordd Lol' Thatss A Definitee Ignore : I have a major

Ivan Paz
Ivan Paz Just felt a tremor. Weird lol
Victoria Wiqqles Alvarado
Victoria Wiqqles Alvarado Peoplee If Yhu Message Meh Andd I "ACTUALLY" Replyy Dont Respondd With Onee Wordd Lol' Thatss A Definitee Ignore :)


Kenny Astro MoralesTiah DuncanMartinn RomeroBeatriz Thisheyy Soto
Kara Gone'head Johnson
Kara Gone'head Johnson I have a major headache! Ugh! Somebody help me
Hannah Feldman
Hannah Feldman This is the eye test. Look for the LOWER case `L` and you will be kissed tomorrow ! LLLLLLLLLLLLlLLLLLLLLLL. Now look for the `N`. This is really hard . MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMMMMMMM . Now find the mistake: ABCDEFGHIJKLNMOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Now wish for somthing you really want after the count down! 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1, Now close your eyes and make a wish .******************** .Now put this as your status and your wish will come true! You have 18 minutes! Or what you wished for will be the Opposite!
Tony Shellabarger
Tony Shellabarger Occupy Wall Street Goes Home Posted 1 day ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 3:04 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt On December 6th Occupy Wall Street will join in solidarity with a Brooklyn community to re-occupy a foreclosed home. The day of action marks a national kick-off for a new frontier for the occupy movement: the liberation of vacant bank-owned homes for those in need. The banks got bailed out, but our families are getting kicked out. The fight to reclaim democracy from the banks is growing from Wall Street to Main Street. The NYC foreclosure tour and home re-occupation is part of a big national day of action on Dec. 6 that will focus on the foreclosure crisis and protest fraudulent lending practices, corrupt securitization, and illegal evictions by banks. The Occupy movement actions, including eviction defense at foreclosed properties, takeovers of vacant properties by homeless families, and foreclosure action disruptions, will take place in more than 25 cities across the country. Millions of Americans have lost their homes in the Wall Street recession and one in four homeowners are currently underwater on their mortgages. The 99% is bearing the brunt of a crisis caused by Wall Street and big banks. That's why, all across the country, Americans have begun standing up to the banks that are trying to evict them. It's already happened in Atlanta, Miami, San Francisco, Minneapolis, and cities and towns across the country. Now, it's happening in Brooklyn. Soon, it will be happening everywhere. Facebook Event Page Wall Street and the big banks are making record profits while most Americans are struggling to stay in their homes. They break the law with impunity, but millions of us get served with eviction. They make trillions and get bailouts, while we face record unemployment and record debt. No more! Our system has been serving Wall Street, big banks, and the one percent. We are the 99%. We are reclaiming our democracy. And we are reclaiming our homes.
OccupyOurHomes is a coalition of organizations fighting for homeowners rights.
Joshua Mitchell
Joshua Mitchell talk about being a day late and a quarter short... i just now signed up on Foursquare! lol
Cheri Lorenz
Cheri Lorenz Had a great Thanksgiving with Sarah, Mike, grandkids: Analisa, and Joshua. We had deep fried turkey. I didn't shop Black Friday, but I did work Black Friday.
Kimberlyn Kozie
Kimberlyn Kozie Oh no! I'm starting to not feel good! My head is starting to spin alittle and feeling a bit dizzy! Damn I wish someone would drive and have a driver licences too! Babe I need you!
Pat Groulx
Pat Groulx Useless Fact's There is a Springfield in every state in the U.S. The Grand Canyon will hold about 900 trillion footballs.
Auldwin Nicolas
Auldwin Nicolas "What you see and hear depends a great deal on where you are standing; it also depends on what sort of person you are.C.S. Lewis


Silver Fox
Debra Niles
Debra Niles I would like to thank all of my family and friends who wished me a Happy Birthday today. Hubby is taking me to my favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner tonight. WOOHOO!!!
Mike Grant
Mike Grant Trying to get a poker game Saturday night. Let me know if you want to play
Austin Schmidt
Austin Schmidt Our work logo is a unicorn.


Roger Blais
John Boer
John Boer F bukas im bck cause i was hvng a big breakdown
Berda Ramson
Berda Ramson Gud 9t guyz ilov u all n hv a cwt nyt myrz%
Yeni Martinez
Yeni Martinez well thanks to motherfuckers who are so non responable couldnt pay their fucking rent i cant get my car fix this weekend so i am soo fucked thanks a fucking lot
Mike Billzs
Mike Billzs A lot of ya got no idea how important ya r,.
Chris Joyce
Chris Joyce Got the weirdest look by the usher at regal. Don't know if it's from the summer look with a Santa hat on or that I'm seeing Breaking Dawn....
Matt Wheeler
Matt Wheeler Kneel before my minions, As they kneel before me I take the form of a god, The mindless follow me
Jeremy Reigel
Jeremy Reigel Quite interesting. I hope the military makes a solid plan to take great care of these dogs. They have served just as faithfully as their human counterparts and deserve that respect and to be treated with honor.
The call came into the behavior specialists here from a doctor in Afghanistan. His patient had just been through a firefight and now was cowering under a cot, refusing to come out.
Haralin Rosie
Haralin Rosie I just got ANOTHER letter from a highschool... ;)
Louis Brenner
Louis Brenner It's kind of a Mozart kind of day. Just can't seem to get my head out of D Minor.
Chad Tucker
Chad Tucker Thankful for the opportunity to work this week! Now looking forward to getting a few more projects done around the house and studying to preach Sunday am and pm.
Robby Brokamp
Robby Brokamp Not the most gratifying settlement but you can at least keep the rich from getting a tiny bit richer...
A class action said Ticketmaster's processing fees are "excessive and deceptive."
Jena Richey
Jena Richey Just picked up my House now to take connor to school then to go do something with my George :) then pick up the kid and then to the stor for dinner kinda a bizy day for me.

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